Saturday, September 2, 2017

Three years later - and here we go again

Most of you have probably read/heard this somewhere else, but in case the only place you are following Lorraine and I is through subscribing to this blog, I decided to add an update here.

Since our 2014 Camino, this pilgrimage has never been far from our minds.  We felt immediately upon returning that we would go back some day ... and that some day is NOW.

Next Wednesday, (Sept. 6/17) we fly from Montreal to Paris, then train to Bayonne on Thursday.  From Bayonne to Saint Jean Pied De Port on Friday, and start to "camino" on Saturday, Sept. 9

If you want to follow our progress again, there are two links you should find.

For blogs (more thoughtful reflections) we will be posting at  There is a "subscribe" button in the top of the right column so you can receive email notifications when we post.

For every day pictures and unedited videos, you can go to my facebook page -

This is a public page so you shoudn't even have to be part of FB to see the posts there.

Enjoy, and feel free to comment regularly.

Thurland and Lorraine
Our Life Camino Continues as "OurSecondCamino"