Thursday, August 23, 2018

Camino 3, Blog 1

What an incredible and invigorating start to our third Camino (and first on the Portuguese).  Technically, it's a non-start since we don't begin walking until Saturday, but who wants to get technical?
We left our home in North Dundas, ON on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 12.  Stopped to visit our MP, the Honorable Guy Lauzon at his annual back yard BBQ, then drove East to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.  Between Aug 12 and Aug 22 we visited family in Grand Manan, Hampton, Antigonish and New Glasgow.  Any time spent visiting family is always too short, but we managed to find both of our mothers, two of our four daughters, six of our ten (soon to be eleven) grandkids and a goodly number of our innumerable extended family members.  And the good news is that we get to retrace our steps through this area when we come back to Canada in six weeks.

On Aug 22, Krista drove us to the Halifax Airport for our 18:40 Atlantic flight to Toronto and the schedule 22:10 flight to Porto, Portugal.  That second flight was delayed two hours, but who cares?  During the four hour layover we meet Bill, a fellow Pilgrim had been trying to meet since 2014.  Two hours of excited jibber-jabber -  talking like old friends instead of new acquaintances reminded me of what an an incredibly bonding experience the Camino is.  Two people who had never met ... laughing and shouting and swapping tales, embarrassing themselves with boisterous behavior ... Until we had to part and catch separate flights.  (But we'll meet again in Porto in less than 24 hours, and probably again in Santiago in less than two weeks!). As an aside, in Porto Bill and his friend will inadvertently take leisurely showers in the women's shower room while the women line up outside the door, but, hey, what can you expect from Pilgrims with no sleep?
As soon as we parted ways with Bill, we were approached by a woman with a backpack asking, "are you going to the Camino", and just like that a new friend entered our lives.  Cynthia from Mexico was flying through Toronto (why?) to begin her first Camino.  She's starting in Saint Jean Pied de Port, France, we're starting in Porto.  We're walking separate trails, but for some reason we are meeting in this airport (seriously, who flies from Mexico to France via Toronto and Porto) and once again the Camino has brought people together and it feels so right.  (Thankfully, our projected schedules make it highly likely that we will meet again in Santiago near Oct 1 or 2, and I can't even begin to imagine the Camino tales  that will be exchanged when that happens!)
Or daughter Gina and two Grand kids were waiting for us in Porto airport, and as I write this they (along with Lorraine and two other nameless Pilgrims) are sleeping soundly in the room with me.  It's been a great day, and tomorrow is coming soon. (In fact it is already here.) In spite of the fact that I only slept 2 hours on the plane last night, my mind is buzzing tonight, and sleep looks like it will be elusive. (Albergue snoring is just as loud when the room is filled with family as when it's total strangers) 
I'll try to add some pictures to this when I have better wifi. 
Good night my friends. Bom Camino!  Bom Camino indeed!  
Oh wait - did I mention that late today, out of the blue, Cyril,  our amazing friend from Camino 2014 sent me a note to say that it is quite probable that he will meet us in Santiago in two weeks.  We learned sooooo much from Cyril four years ago, we hardly ever talk Camino without mentioning his name ... The very possibility that we would be able to meet again fills me with joy.  
So now ... Good night friends. Bom Camino.  Bom Camino indeed.