Sunday, September 25, 2022

The day after … and the day before

 The day after - and the day before

Just a short post today. At 6:15 this morning we finally arrived in Oviedo after 44 hours of awake time. Fortunately the hostel where we are staying agreed to let us in at 8:30 this morning. Originally they had said since it was “special circumstances” they would let us in at 10:00. Before that “es imposible”. So after a light breakfast of cafe con leche y tostada we crawled into bed.  

Both of us slept soundly (very soundly) until 1:30, after which we spent the day strolling around Oviedo. 

Tonight (soon) we will pop back outside, grab the evening meal and get back to bed early. 

Tomorrow, since we have reservations about 20 km away, we won’t need to rush out of here early.  

Up at 8:30, have “desayuno”, go to the Catedral at 10:00 to get the first “sello” (stamp) in our “credenciales” (pilgrims passport), walk past the Decathlon store to get our walking sticks and be on our way around 11:00

Thanks for following our journey. This “Camino de una niña y su abuelo” really is a special time! 

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