Saturday, October 18, 2014

After the Camino - 1 - Santiago and Finnisterre

The first days (actually 8 - 10 days) after the Camino we spent between Santiago and Finnisterre, (which by many is seen as a natural extension of the Camino).

Saturday, Sept. 10 through Monday, Sept. 12 we spent in Santiago - getting the certificates, viewing some of the sites, meeting friends, relaxing.

We were staying at the Semanario Menor, which is about 1.5 km from the Cathedral area, and it was very suitable, at somewhat reasonable rates (€15 each per day).  It had laundry facilities which allowed us to catch up, cooking facilities which allowed us to be budget conscious, and huge eating area, which allowed us to meet other pilgrims who had recently finished the Camino.  

This included Saskatoon Ron, whom we had met several times on the trail, and Toronto Mary, who we hadn't seen for five weeks.

Tuesday we walked to the bus station, paid €13 each for tickets to Finisterre, and headed to the end of the earth.  I had wanted to walk, but at the last minute decided to do the bus, and spend more time in Finisterre.  RIGHT CHOICE for a couple of reasons.  First, it rained heard for four days,and the walk would have been absolutely miserable. And secondly, the bus trip was some of the most amazing scenery of the entire time so far.  The three hour ride was 80% on the coast! and the coast was rugged and beautiful.  

The three nights in Finisterre were well worth the price of admission, in spite of the horrid weather.  We walked to the Lighthouse at the end of the earth in driving rain.  We walked the beach in driving rain.  We went down town for each of the three evening meals in driving rain.  We shopped in driving rain. And it was WONDERFUL.  As someone noted on one of our FaceBook posts, "there is no such thing as bad weather ... only poor clothing choices."  

The pilgrim menu in Finisterre included lots of seafood choices and it was all delightful.  If you ever do the Camino, here's my advice to you.  Put on your positive attitude, get yourself to Finnisterre, and enjoy tthe end of the earth.  

Friday, October 17, we jumped back on the bus and returned to Santiago.  The plan had been to go to the other coastal town of Muxia, and I probably should have.  But  by that time, with the rain still driving, my positive attitude toward things coastal was beginning to mildew, so we returned, looking for drier circumstances.

The immediate plans are to be in Santiago until Monday, and then jump a bus to Porto, Portugal. We lucked out on our weekend hotel room.  It is in the Center of the city, exactly where I want to be, and it is NOT a room, it is an apartment.  

Until next time, Buen Camino.  (I still say that because I don't yet know what to say now that the Camino is past.). I'm still hanging around pilgrims, and so the weekend at least still has a Camino feel to it, so I'll indulge my fantasies and say, "Buen Camino".

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