Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I believe it's ready

I've been working on a system so when we are walking our "Life Camino" this summer, Lorraine and I can both easily post updates to one common spot, and they will be available for everyone who wants to follow us - whether they are on Face Book or not.

I think I've got it figured out, and I think I've got is set up enough to begin posting.  Here's how it should work:

1. We will write our post (either directly or via email) to www.OurLifeCamino.blogspot.com. This one is being done on my iPhone. 

2. We have that set up to automatically send a notice to FB with a link for followers there to follow. 

3.  You can receive notice in your email by filling in the "follow by email" spot on the blog itself. 

4.  Any new posts will be at the top of the page, but you will also be able to scroll down to see everything else  

5.  New posts will show up in the tab called "blogs", but don't forget to take a look at some of the other static pages on the site as well. For example "our Camino clock" today shows 102 days 10 hours 32 minutes. 

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