Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Other Half Speaks

The ‘other half’ does speak... though maybe less often J

“The Journey”, as we love to call our walk through life, is a journey we must all take.  Our journeys may be worlds apart in how they look from an on-looker point of view, but none the less, a journey it is!

I have journeyed with my wonderful husband for almost 40 years. He sometimes might have had to nudge me along, or out-right pull me, push me, drag me, to move me along in my journey J but most often he has walked beside me.  A better man would be hard to find.   When he did push or pull it was always because he knew I would thank him later. Thanks Babe! (I call him that when no one is around J )

About our Camino Journey , I have been asked several times, “Do you really want to do this?”  “Whose idea was this?” “Didn’t you see the movie?  Are you really going to do that?”  Here’s the answer.... with no pulling, pushing or dragging... I am going on this journey because I want to!   We are not really sure who first even mentioned the possibility that this was something we should do. It might have been me.  Either way, we are both being equally drawn to walking this walk, this journey, that I believe will be a life changing event for us.  Right now I do not even know what that means, but I am going to find out, be the good Lord willing.

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