Saturday, October 22, 2022

And just like that, this magnificent experience is a piece of history

Alarm?!?!! What’s an alarm???

That’s when you tell your watch/phone to wake you up in the middle of the night. (Not technically the middle, but 5:30 am sounds like the middle of the night!)

And just what is this piece of madness for?  Why am I going to risk the ire of a room full of fellow pilgrims by waking them at that most unreasonable of hours?? 

Because, suddenly and inexplicably  this magnificent adventure has come to an end!  Only 4 short months ago Emily said, “Grandfather, I’d like to talk to you about doing a Camino together”.  I swear my heart skipped several beats when I first heard that, and very quickly the plans were finalized. 

And then someone blinked - maybe twice, but I promise you it was never more than two blinks. And during the space of time that it took to blink twice, somehow we both started AND finished the Camino Primitivo - and it’s time to go home. 

Asleep on airport floor - Madrid 

Leaving La Hospedería Hostel in Oviedo 

Rainy day 1 - leaving the Catedral in Oviedo

High on the mountains.
Puerta de la Pola, Asturias, Spain 

Km 0 - the end of the world - Finisterre 

¡Una niña y su abuelo!

¡Un abuelo y su nieta!

320 official km 

Probably 320 more 

9000 meters ascent.

9000 meters descent. 

Hello new friends. 

Goodbye new friends. 

Blisters. Pain. Laughter. High spots. Low spots. Long days. Short days. Rain. Sun. Wind. Mud. Dogs. Cats. Cows. Hills. 

Two blinks, and it’s gone 

In case I haven’t said it before, let me tell you what an indescribable blessing and privilege it has been for this grandfather to experience these two blinks of an eye with this granddaughter!  

The other day sitting at the end of world I spoke words of blessing and affirmation over her life. The next day all of my prayer steps were for her unfolding life. 

I prayed for healing from past hurts - both known and unknown. (We all have those things in our life that affect us on an inner level, even though we may not remember them)

I prayed for health and wholeness in the future, a life filled with hope, a life filled with  strong convictions and deep compassion. 

All along the trail people have said to me, “tu nieta es muy guapa” to which I ALWAYS replied, “Si. Pero mas importante, ella es muy fuerte.”

(“Your granddaughter is very beautiful.” “Yes, but more importantly, she is very strong!”)

Why?  Because anyone may be given beauty, but character is developed as you build your strength. Not just physical strength! (She showed that in abundance on the Primitivo)

But strength of conviction. 

Strength of compassion. 

Strength that builds not only your life but spills over into and blesses the lives of people around you. 

So those are the words I have prayed into her life these past 30 days. 

And just like that - two blinks of the eye - it’s time to say farewell to the magnificent adventure. 

At the most beautiful albergue of them all
The Villa Palatina, Paladín 

Somewhere on the way

Welcoming the day

Walking on the clouds

Somewhere on the way

Una niña y su abuelo. In case I haven’t said it before - this has been a privilege of the highest order for this viejo abuelo. Graçias Emily. Muchas graçias 

Now let’s go home!

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