Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Looking back can be good for the soul!

 Look back, not ahead

This is true for most (OK, all) long distance hikes I’ve ever done, and I’m thinking it has some value as a life lesson as well!

I was reminded of it again today as Emily and I finished Day 4 of the 4 hardest days in the middle of the Camino Primitivo. 

In the last 4 days we have:

  • Walked 87 mountain kilometres
  • Ascended 3779 meters (equivalent of 6.8 CN towers)
  • Descended 3590 meters (equivalent of 6.5 CN towers)

She has valiantly carried her backpack every step. I have had mine shipped ahead for the last 4 days. 

She waits for me at the bottom of the hills - today for close to an hour! 

What is the life lesson?

You can learn a lot about yourself by looking back at where you have come.  

Because every day is a struggle (don’t feel sorry for me. It’s a struggle I have chosen.)

But because every day is a struggle, it’s easy to just put your head down and plod on!  Or pick your head up, see what’s coming, give a grunt of despair and then plod on. 

Today during one of the longer ascents I had to stop to catch my breath. I looked back over my shoulder and was amazed at how far we had come. Until this point I had only been plodding and thinking of the struggle of the next hill. 

See the mountains in the distance?
They used to be our mountains!

So here’s the life lesson in a nutshell:

- When you look ahead, you only see the struggles you must face. 

- When you look back you see the victories you have gained!

And bonus lesson: 

- the reminder of past victories often give you strength for future struggles!  

That’s it for tonight. Enough philosophizing for today. 

Tomorrow we are planning a short (15 km) day, with less than 1 CN tower of both up and down. 

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