Sunday, September 7, 2014

"What could it hurt?", I said.

"What could it hurt?", I said.

There are only three of us in the dorm room tonight.  "I don't need ear plugs," I said. After all. It's only Lorraine and I, and one other woman.  

Sure she's a "bit" overweight.  

Sure the room is tiny! (Read 6 inches between beds.)

But what could it hurt to sleep just this one night without earplugs!


The first time she gasped for air, my entire body stuck to the ten foot ceiling.  Thankfully it missed the edge of the open window dangling  only inches above my head. 

The second time she came up for air, I wasn't so lucky.  I thought I was ready, and in a way I was.  The lower half of my body didn't move.  Not so lucky with the upper half. I bolted upright, hit my head so hard on the window, it nearly broke off the hinges.  Fortunately, the screws held, and the window survived for another day.

At least I thought it was fortunate.  At least I thought it was fortunate until she breached the third time ...

What could go wrong I said. Surely I don't need earplugs tonight!

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