Thursday, September 11, 2014

"Take what the Camino gives you"

Today I have learned you take what the camino gives you.....but you don't have to like it!

After a very long day yesterday, probably 30 kms by the time the day ended, I was all for doing just a short day today. The city was nice to see but staying another day didn't interest us so we decided to move on....just a short walk... An hour or so. About 6kms. 

I was over joyed when I started to walk...I had no pain!  That lasted about a half hour but that was okay . We didn't have far to go.

We walked and we walked and started to realize the place we were heading to was not to be found... Some sort of misunderstanding somewhere . So nothing to do but keep going.

By now my legs are remembering yesterday very well...they start refusing to go with the plan B.  Here's where animal instinct kicks in.

Animals are very blessed to have four legs. We can learn to survive by doing as they do. Even newborn 4 legged creatures can walk soon after they are born. Not often do you see an adult 4 legged friend loose their balance. 

Well we walk with trekking poles. One in each hand. They are great! With a back pack you can easily lose your balance but the poles act like two extra legs. I have been saved from many falls and twisted ankles because of my poles. So for balance they are great.

The poles can also save a girl who has no power left in her legs. Today, for two of our three hours of walking, my arms did the walking. Using the poles I pull myself ahead with my arms and the feet follow. Amazingly enough I actually walk faster with this method. My back might not thank me for it tomorrow but that is for tomorrow . 

Today I have reached the next Alburgues. A bed awaits me. I can only hope that tomorrow the camino will be just a little kinder. ... And if it is not, well, I just don't have to like it!

Buen camino!

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