Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My pain will soon be gone!

Thurland woke up Grumpy this morning! 

She was sleeping on the top bunk. His gentle nudge to wake her up at 6:30am was not really necessary. The early rising peregrinos had started making noise at 5:15! 

About 6:00 there was a down pouring of rain. Grumpy hoped all the early risers got drenched! 

Grumpy does not do mornings well on the best of days but today it felt okay to be grumpy. Woken too early, a cold wet morning. Grumpy just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep.

I presume you already have figured out who Grumpy is.

Our attitude is totally a matter of choice. We can chose to be happy, or let circumstances take over and our choice is to be grumpy. Today I made the wrong choice.

A few days ago I started out a day with no pain. It has not happened since. Today was very hard to get going. I had to tell my brain to tell my foot to move. Thurland took my backpack for a while so I could get the foot going without the weight (as he also did yesterday).  Once I got the foot in motion I just had to keep going. Stopping was not an option. It hurt too much to start again. 

I asked God to relieve my pain. He didn't. But instead he moved me to make this a day of prayer for those who live with pain. So as I took each painful step it was a prayer for those who suffer daily with pain of all sorts that  will not go away.  I was humbled by the realization that I am only suffering for a time. My pain will go away but theirs won't.

Today was the first day we pulled out the rain gear. It was very windy and a few drops of rain made us decide we better get ready.... It never came. 

So, I am grumpy. I am in pain, and I am walking along when I see written in the sand on the dirt road "HAPPY".  A few steps further I see "LOVE".  

Oh boy!  They say the Camino gives you what you need! Time for some serious attitude adjustment! 

I have thousands of reasons to be happy and not a doubt in the world that I am loved!  My day changed for the better when I stopped to consider how blessed I am. 

Here's to making better choices!

Buen Camino!

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