Monday, September 1, 2014

Prayer request

A few minute ago (Monday evening in Spain) Lorraine posted this on FaceBook.  Some off you may not have seen it so I will repost it here.

I have a favour to ask of my praying friends. 
Today we stopped walking partly due to pain in my leg. I am not sure if it is from the injury I did a few days ago or something else. Please pray that I will be able to continue our Camino. We have decided to make tomorrow another down day so I can rest. Prayers are so much appreciated. 

As you know, the theme of our Camino is "Every step a prayer".  That was intended to be prayers for you.  Can we ask that you take some steps of prayer for her leg today, and tonight?  

As she said, we have already decided to take another down day tomorrow (our first "zero" day) and stay here.  It is a beautiful hotel, better than reasonable rate, excellent cuisine.  It is in the middle do absolutely nowhere, so other than me walking a couple miles for fruits and vegetables, we will not wander more than three hundred meters from the hotel.  

Thanks for praying. 

Thurland and Lorraine 

1 comment:

  1. Lorraine, I am praying right now for your leg to heal, and for peace as you wait and discern your next steps (literally!). Thank you Thurland and Lorraine for sharing your story. I am following regularly and feel deeply encouraged in life and faith as I read your posts. Blessings, Kerry
