Monday, September 8, 2014

Drop Your Baggage!

Today is day 16 of our walk and we have seen nothing but sunshine every day! 

Several days we were told "there is going to be rain" and it looked like it on occasion, but so far our rain gear has gone unused.

Do you know how if feels to carry a backpack every day with stuff in it that is of no use?  LOL

I am not really complaining. I am happy to have not worn a sweater since we left Paris. There are long johns and toque and thin gloves that we carry that I am happy to not have to use!  I would like to dump out all that stuff we have not used but the days ahead could be very different.

We have lightened our load as much as we dare so now we march on.

Note from Thuriand - (Petr is an 80 yr old German we met. He carries an old style knapsack with nearly 50 pounds. I heard some younger hikers telling him it was filled with ballast. After 10 days of carrying Petr began shipping his baggage ahead   The first night after he was filled with joy at how much easier his day has been. We've never seen him again, leading me to assume he and his lighter load are miles down the road)

It makes me wonder how much "baggage" we carry in life that we could unload. Stuff gets in the way of weighs us down. Preparing for the Camino I unloaded a whole lot of "stuff" to earn money for the trip. Physically, mentally and spiritually we can load ourselves down with so much baggage!  

The Camino is reminding me that life is what we do for God and for others, not what we have.  The pilgrims on the way will not remember what kind of backpack I am carrying but they will hopefully remember that I smiled at them, said a kind word, or was helpful in some way. 

Drop your baggage!
Buen Camino !

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