Tuesday, October 4, 2022



Today I made a wrong assumption. Easy to do. I looked at the Camino App I use, noted that the ascents and descents were significantly less than yesterday, looked at the mountains behind us, compared to the rolling hills in front of us and naturally (I think) assumed this would be an easy day.

 (It didn’t help that I misread the app!  Lol)

When I started feeling tired on this “easy day” I quickly did some calculations. Forgive me the details but:

Yesterday on the hard day we had started an ascent at 3100 ft. We dropped quickly to 2200, making it hard. 

On todays “easy day” we had been steadily (but not usually strenuously) climbing, and suddenly found ourselves at 3600 ft.   Not sure how that happened, but suddenly this easy day has some cardio attached to it and the rolling hills were higher than the mountains! 

Anyway after a long day (it was our first 28 km walk) we arrived safely at our hostel in á Fonsagrada where we sleep tonight. 

Tomorrow is one last difficult day. 25 km with 1039 m descent (2 CN towers) and 850 ascent. (1.5 CN)

Entered a new province today

The province of Galicia

I use the pain of the difficult days to remind me of the pain that some of you carry. It helps me to formulate prayers on your behalf, or at least it helps me breathe your name over and over again into the ears of our loving Father. 

The day after tomorrow, when the trail levels out, I hope to still pray effectively, but tonight is a good time to send me a note of you want to be included in tomorrow’s difficult day prayers.  If you wrote me late last night you had some significant steps with your  name attached today! 

Hasta mañana. 

Don’t make assumptions. 

There’s magic in the mundane!

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