Monday, October 10, 2022

Don’t underestimate the end

 Don’t underestimate the end 

The Scripture’s say “weep with those who weep, and rejoice with those who rejoice.”  Today I almost made the mistake of “rejoicing in front of someone who wept”. 

I was walking down a hill in the early morning rain, and I suddenly realized I was “walking”. I wasn’t limping, I wasn’t over-compensating, I wasn’t wincing or excruciating. I was simply “walking down hill”. It’s been over 200 km since I walked naturally downhill. So I was rejoicing. 

Walking down into Ribadosio

I started to shout to Emily in front of me, “Hey Em!  Look!  Grandfather is walking downhill”. But just as I started to shout I noticed the unmistakeable sign of the beginning of a limp - in her leg.  270 km behind us. 200 or more up mountain hill, down mountain hill, and everything in between, and NOW (of all times) the rolling hills of Galicia were starting to take their toll. What looked like it should be an easy finish suddenly has a new dimension. 

An albergue named “Heidi’s Place”
demands that at least one pic be taken.  
Unfortunately, it was closed so we had to carry on 

We’ve been enjoying the company of a couple from Finland for the last week. Ilka and Seneca are a strong seafaring couple and covered those 200 + km of mountain hills valiantly. But tonight when we arrived at the hostel, Ilka told us his wife had gone to the hospital this morning and had a toe nail removed. She may or may not be able to walk tomorrow. What looked like an easy finish has suddenly taken in a new dimension. 

Moral of the story??  I have no idea, but that’s what happened today. 

I guess the moral is: don’t underestimate the end. (Blue Jays fans may have an idea what I am talking about after this weekend’s tragic collapse.)

Today’s details. 

24 km from Melide to Calle

Hard rain (we ARE in Galicia) for most of the day. The sun broke out to warm the day at the end. 

280 km behind us. 

31 km left. 

Tomorrow the plan is to do another 20 km to Labacolla, and then finish before noon on Wednesday

Thanks for following

Thanks for praying

Thanks for sharing your prayer requests with me. 

Everyone tells me “tú nieta es muy guapa”.
And I always reply, “¡Ella es también muy fuerte!”

It’s nice to be guapa. It’s more important to be fuerte 

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