Saturday, October 8, 2022

Reviving my motto

 Magic in the Mundane

Today it’s time to revive my motto from “Your Daily Dose of Thurland” and remind you that there IS magic in the mundane. 

Today was 28.5 km walk. 75% of it was on tarmac, 25% in forest glades. That’s

Intriguing flower to brighten the mundane 

Presumably by tomorrow all these
buds will be intriguing flowers. 

Mountains are gone so let’s take flower pics 


Berries (Not flowers)

Today we witnessed a fight between three elderly Spanish women. Believe me, elderly Spanish women know how to stage a loud fight. I was wanting to get my camera out and record it but (first) that’s just plain rude and (second) I was afraid they’d band together and turn on me!!

Always time to say Hi to a horse 

We are now 72 km from the Catedral de Santiago de Compostela, so suddenly the end is in sight. It reminds me of the sign I saw painted somewhere near the end of the French Camino: “The end is a present. Open it slowly!”

For those of you who are wondering about my feet, today they did a great job. So great that I have decided to try carrying my pack again tomorrow.  (I have not carried since Day 5 and now it is Day 13. I kind of miss the old girl)

Tomorrow is the day that the Primitivo meets the French Camino in the town of Melide (20 km from here). If it’s like other years (and there’s no reason to think it won’t be) everything changes at that point. On the Primitivo Day 6 we did not see a single pilgrim until we quit for the evening. Day 7 - 80% of the day before we saw another one. In the last 7 days we see maybe 10 or 12 for a few minutes each day. Starting tomorrow the silence will be shattered with large groups of people all day. 

Our plan is to walk that 20 km to Melide without reserving a bed for the night and then see if we want to go further or not. 

So that’s my mundane for today. 

A little update on the Prayer Steps. If you have sent me a request you have been “stepped for”.  When we get to Fisterra, I hope to video a ceremony in which I take a stone representing each of the requests you sent and throw it into the sea. Unfortunately I won’t be able to do this live but I hope to record it and post it here. 

Good night from Ferreira Spain. Our home for the night is in this very pastoral setting. 

Ponte de Ferreira Hostel 

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