Friday, October 14, 2022

Lighting the candles

Another day in Santiago de Compostela!  A day to (basically) relax and let the body recover from the gruelling test we call the Camino Primitivo 

Yesterday we went to the Pilgrims Office and received our Compostelas. Although the process is different than before, it was an easy process at the beginning of the day with only a 20 minute wait. 

  • line up and receive a QR code with approx wait time 
  • If you don’t have internet access, fill out a piece of paper, line up and wait your turn. 
  • On this day at least it was seamless. 

The only other activity yesterday was noon mass for me, then a short walk to get supplies so we can eat in the albergue most of the time we are here. 

Today was not much more strenuous. Noon mass together. For those who know about such things, they used the botefumerio both times I was there!)

Then a walk to Terra Nova Pilgrim House to meet my friends who oversee this ministry, 

Nate and Faith - One Collective Ministry

a 1.6 km walk to the new bus station to get tickets to Finisterre tomorrow.  A great noon meal at Rua Bella restaurant. Then back to the albergue for some more rest and relaxation. 

My wife will know how very drained of energy we really are when I tell you that we are living within 50 m of this delicious (and decadent) treat and have not been tempted to take a bite.  

In fact, the only thing we have bought from that bakery is two loaves of sliced (yes, sliced) bread and 2 litres of orange juice. 

Tonight we are venturing out for a few moments after dark to see what musicians are in the streets of SdC. 

Yesterday I promised that I would tell you the completely non-Protestant act I did at the Cathedral. As you know, I have been praying for some people with deep needs in their lives.  Spiritual, marital, physical, emotional needs that threaten to break your spirits. In addition to the prayer steps (I’m not sure if that is a Protestant thing or not) yesterday while visiting the tomb of Saint James (Santiago) I passed display of candles - and I lit a candle on your behalf. 

As I did I continued to pray that God would “show himself strong on your behalf”. 

One of my favourite images from the Old Testament is found in 2 Chronicles 16:9 “the eyes of the Lord roam to and fro throughout the earth to show himself strong on behalf of those who hearts are fully devoted to him”

Good night from SdC 

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