Sunday, October 9, 2022

Meaningless Milestones

Gray fog and yellow flowers

 Meaningless Milestones 

So today we got to Melide, Spain. 


In many ways that’s no different than getting to A Fonsagrada 5 nights ago or Tineo 5 nights before that. 

But Melide is a “meaningless milestone” on the Camino Primitivo because this is where we intersect with the Frances Camino. Doesn’t really mean much because we are not going to Melide, we are going to Santiago de Compostela. 

But at Melide things change. Coming down the Primitivo we maybe have 50 people a day. Coming down the Frances there are probably 500 - maybe more. So the quiet sanctity of the Primitivo gets replaced by the hustle and bustle of the Frances 

But only if you let it.  

Because just like in real life, quiet sanctity or hustle and bustle is controlled by YOU, not by the circumstances which surround you. 

Quiet of a morning fog 

House hidden by the hue 

So we are here to enjoy quiet sanctity in the midst of hustle and bustle.  When I do my prayer steps (in the rain) tomorrow there will be 50 or 100 people go by - which doesn’t limit the efficacy of the prayer any more than 5-10 people going by. 

For those who are interested in the details of our walk:

  • today was 22 km from Ferreira to Melide. I carried my pack for the first time in over a week and I did feel it, but I survived and will carry again tomorrow
  • Tomorrow (Monday Oct 10) we plan to do 20 km from Melide to the hamlet of Calle. 
  • We are 50 km from Santiago de Compostela and plan on arriving there Wednesday morning by walking 20, 20 and 10 km
  • It looks like rain tomorrow. Today was a cool fog for a good part of the day but before that we had 8 days on unseasonably good weather. So now whining here. 

Thanks for following. Thanks for praying. I know some of you have prayed for my feet and I appreciate it. Someday I might post a picture to show that I wasn’t exaggerating the seriousness. But then again since many of you are squeamish I probably won’t. 

And most of all thanks for allowing me to pray for your deepest  needs. 

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