Friday, October 7, 2022

Of Fiestas and Thanksgiving

 Lugo - Fiesta SAN Froilán 

Another beautiful day to walk in Galicia! 

Motto in last night’s albergue

Cool and foggy start to the day

Warmed up in a couple of hours

Business on the Camino  - Eucalyptus harvest

The horses love Emily and her apples

First view of the old city wall in Lugo

I have to say Emily and I have been truly blessed with the weather we have had to walk. 

Day 1 a started as a rain day for a couple hours, and we had to keep our rain gear handy all day

Day 2 and 3 - seasonable, but good weather

Day 4 - Heavy rain all day. (You have to expect it on Camino, so no whining allowed!)

Day 5 through 11 - unseasonably warm, sunny, and (in short)  fantastic. 

Day 12 - light, cool fog in the morning, warm sun in the afternoon!  

Forecast for 13, 14,  and 15 - low 20’s C - and low percentage of precipitation!  

Truly blessed. 

Today in Lugo is the Fiesta of San Froilan, so when we weren’t resting we had lots to see.

Daytime streets

Nighttime streets

Cathedral at night

 But tomorrow is a 27 km day so we were back in the hostel by 9:00 pm. The music is definitely out there but thankfully not too loud inside. Hopefully our roommates will be quiet when they come in. (Yeah, right!!)

Speaking of Fiesta, this weekend is “Thanksgiving Weekend” in Canada. 

Two questions:

  • what are you thankful for
  • How are you going to express it. 

In Spain, the phrase “Thanksgiving Day” is translated as “Día del Acciones de Gracias.“ Translate that backwards and in English it becomes “A Day of Thankful Actions”. 

So the question I have for you (to ask yourself) is “what thankful actions are you going to do - this weekend and beyond”? 

I’m going to keep Prayer stepping, so keep sending your requests. I am humbled by the level of trust people are putting in me in the form of the deeply personal nature of some requests arriving. Please know, if you have sent requests, you have been prayed for.

Good night from Spain. With tomorrow’s nearly 30 km walk we think we are four days from Santiago!! 

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