Sunday, October 16, 2022

Camino Primitivo Prayer Ceremony

 As I walked the CP this year with its many ups and downs 

- 9000 meters of elevation change - both up and down

- blisters that brutalized my feet

- a stomach bug that, while it didn’t delay the end, it did basically ruin any idea of a pleasant “stroll in the park” finale. 

I used the motto of “every step a prayer”. I sometimes felt that the pain I was enduring (especially in my feet) was somehow to be considered as vicarious suffering - my pain giving your pain a place to escape - at least symbolically 

Today - Sunday Oct 16, - I went to the Mar de Fora in Finisterre Spain and did this symbolic “casting into the sea” for your burdens - in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit 

May his peace be with you 


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