Saturday, October 1, 2022

I’m enjoying the struggle

I haven’t checked in for three days - sorry about that. Each night I have started to write something, and fallen asleep while writing.

I think the best way to describe the last three days is to simply say, “I’m enjoying the struggle”. 

The struggle is real!

The enjoyment is too!

The struggle:

  • the hills are plenteous - we are in the mountainous province of Asturias and I’m convinced that no one has ever introduced them to the concept of “plateau”!
  • The hills are steep - one day was 12% grade - both up and down, for an hour or more at a time 
  • The hills are long - yesterday was an 18 km day that began with a 12 km ascent. 

This video was actually Thursday, Sept 29

  • the rain - yesterday was my rainiest day ever in four Caminos. Much of the day was in forest paths, with a lot of mud to wade through. There aren’t as many cafes/resting places on the Primitivo as in other years, and on a day like yesterday you really notice that. 

  • The blisters - the word itself is almost enough without any explanation. I won’t be too graphic but just say I have a large blister on my right foot, and THAT is not the problem. My left foot is causing some issues - particularly on the descents. Today even small descents were not easy.   

  • On the bright side Emily is doing much better than me. (Much much). Every walker has occasional smaller blisters, and she is no exception. But tonight we have finished 5 full days of wandering strenuously in the mountains, and hers are not an issue. On the descents I actually feel sorry for her that she has to walk so slowly to stay with me. 

The enjoyment:

It is no secret to anyone that I love being on the Camino. This is my fourth time and I have logged nearly 3000 km of Camino walks!

I love the fact that at 69 years old I am able to attempt it. 

I love the interaction with people from all over the world. (We have met people from Holland, Germany, Israel, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Slovakia, Australia, Scotland, Ireland, France, United States Canada)

I love being able to carry on small conversations with people in Spanish.  I start many conversations by saying, “Yo estudio español en Duolingo, y me gusta practicar”, and off we go from there!

I love that I love the Camino so much that I can choose to find enjoyment even in the bad days. The young lady from Israel was struggling yesterday, and it bothered her that every time she asked me about my day, I would give a positive answer.  We ate dinner together last night and I was able to explain that it’s not that I love rainy, strenuous hills any more than any one else. I just have chosen to find whatever Joy can be squeezed from those times

This video was actually Thursday, Sept 29

The changes tomorrow brings

Because of the ongoing issue with my left foot, tonight I called Taxi Camino and made arrangements with them to pick up my bag and take it to the next stop.  I will do that now every day until we leave the mountains, and I hope that that, combined with some shorter stages of walking will be enough  to get me through. 

That’s it for this Friday Sept 30!!  Enjoy whatever is left of your day, and remember that “Life doesn’t have to be PREFECT to be beautiful “

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