Saturday, October 1, 2022

Choices? Prayers? Or a combination?

 Choices? Prayers? Or a combination?

What a difference a day makes.  Today I walked in at least 75% more comfort than yesterday.   At the end of a gruelling walk, I had energy to join Emily for a “stroll”.  Today was truly “hermosisimo”

I only made two changes today.  

  1. I decided to send my back pack ahead by taxi. 
  2. Several of you wrote last night that you were praying for me. Thanks for that. I also prayed for my feet this morning.  I prayed for “enough” (that has been my prayer in most circumstances). Enough to get me to the next town. Enough so that every step wasn’t laced with pain. Enough that I could continue walking this Camino with this precious granddaughter! 

As we were going down the first gentle hill this morning, not yet 100 meters from the hostel, I wasn’t sure I could do it.  My left foot “excruciated” with each step.  (it’s my story, I can make words up if I want to.) The calf muscle also was beginning to rebel because of yesterday’s strange gait. I was definitely in trouble and was “this close” to calling it quits and saying I was defeated by the Primitivo!  

Instead, I joined my prayers with yours and called on God, asking for “enough”.  Today I received a bonus, because I got more than enough. 

Was it the prayers or the choice to walk without back pack?  

Many years ago I had a garden in the backyard. It was a mess. The next year I replanted, and there was an amazing improvement!  Bob Carkner asked me what was the difference. I said “I prayed”.  He looked at me a little sceptically so I added “oh yes, I also put on a couple loads of manure”. 

This I know:

  • Prayer and manure grows good gardens 
  • Prayer and dropping back packs heal troubled feet and legs 

Today 15 mountainous kilometres. 1200 ft descent in the last 2 km. (In case that doesn’t compute for you, insert the word steep.)

Today 9C to start the day. 23 C and sent to finish it. 

Today, we saw zero other pilgrims on the road.  (But the albergue is full tonight. )

Today, a great taste  of Asturian food. 

Today a day filled with one “wow” after another as we walked through the mountains and valleys. 

Tomorrow - another 12 km hill to climb. An increase of 600 meters. (How do you spell “cardio”?)

But that’s tomorrow. Tonight it’s time for bed. And time to be thankful for todays “more than enough” 

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