Monday, October 17, 2022

Dodging the rain

At the Faro de Fisterra - End of the World Lighthouse

Our two days in Finisterre have been good despite heavy rains
- substantial rains. 

Substantial enough that I felt zero guilt when we decided to bus to Finisterre rather than walk. 

Still required to mask for public transport in Spain 

Substantial enough that we feel zero shame in hanging out in the albergue for a good portion of the two days we were there. 

But as you may know, Finisterre is one of my favourite places in or around the Camino, and that means I have some things I like to do that could be seriously “dampened” by the rain!  (Do you see what I did there?  “Dampened by the rain?)

I have to admit the period of relative inactivity has us feeling a little lost. For the past 350 +- km we have had a daily goal. Get up, get ready, get going, and get there! (20 or 30 km down the trail). So to have those two days of unavoidable rest in Santiago, and then these two extra days in Finisterre have us feeling a little “restless”! (See what I did there?  “Days of rest” have us “feeling restless“)

Restless but not bored. Here’s some of my favourite places we were able to visit - relatively dry! 

My favourite places:

The Lighthouse!

Faro de Fisterra 

The symbolic “0 km” marker 

Emily - looking west 
  • Saturday afternoon - we got our 8 km walk to the Lighthouse!  Dry!  Substantial rain immediately before. Deluge  as soon as we returned. But 8km of dry walk! 

Restaurants that sell Paella Mariscada por dos!

Me encanta la Paella Mariscada por dos
  • Ever since we began planning this Camino I have been dreaming about the Paella. They only sell it in portions for two and the last two times I have been here I have been fortunate to have found someone who likes it as much as I do!  This time was easier because Emily was up for the challenge. But, once again the restaurant is a km away and we were in periods of heavy rain.  But (also once again) we had a dry stroll down - a deluge while we ate - and dry stroll home. !!!

Mar de Fora!

  • “Mar de Fora” is the beach on the west side of the peninsula- and again nearly a 4 km walk. 
Those are at least 20 ft waves 
  • I REALLY wanted to be able to do the closing ceremony for my Camino Prayer Steps at that spot. AND ONCE AGAIN we were able to find a break in the rain that allowed us to get there and back basically dry. (We would have been totally dry had we not tempted that one rogue wave - but that’s another story.)

And it’s stuff like that that make me realize that despite the heavy rains we have been able to have a good time in Finisterre!  

Unfortunately the forecast for the rest of the week (our last week here) looks like more rain followed by more rain. So we will probably have to find blessings between the raindrops over and over again. 

Sounds like a challenge to me. 

Good night from Lires, Spain (half way between Finisterre and Muxia - halfway through our last two day walk - in the rain!)

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