Monday, October 3, 2022

The truth? That was HARD

The truth? That was HARD!

1461 m descent. (That’s 2.64 CN Towers)

1107 m ascent - (2 CN Towers)

When it was all said and done I have to say that was undoubtedly the hardest day of any hike I have ever done.   Down hills, long down hills are hard on calf muscles. They don’t excruciate, but they loudly rebel

But there is good news:

1 - We saw amazing panoramic views of Asturias mountains. 

Walking above the clouds

Emily wondering if she could swim in the clouds

First glimpse of our home for tonight. Unfortunately
it would take us another 5 hrs to walk there

Looking better than I feel. 

After a 2200 ft descent we finally got to the crossing

2 - I got a lot of prayer steps today.  And some of them were for you.  Most definitely those who write me in the middle of my night (early Sunday evening in North America) with those deep needs and heartaches were included by name in many steps today. 


More beauty. 

More prayer for people with aching hearts. 

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