Tuesday, September 23, 2014

10 Reasons I love EVOLVhealth - Numero Cuatro

I EVOLVhealth because of the emphasis on healthy eating/living.

A few years ago, I preached a series of messages entitled "Commit to FIT - in every way". I felt that for many years, while we in the evangelical church emphasized spiritual fitness, we de-valued the importance of fitness in other areas of life.  

The problem with that thinking is that everything is connected, so de-valuing physical fitness, de-valuing emotional fitness, etc. has a detrimental effect on spiritual fitness.

I can't go on in this short post, because this is not meant to be a sermon series.  Suffice it to say that AFTER I began to "COMMIT to FIT: in every way", I was delighted to discover Evolv Health, a company that could help me meet this commitment in two areas.
- Evolv Health helps me "COMMIT to FIT" financially. 
- Evolv Health helps me "COMMIT to FIT" physically. 

Take a look at Anne Bodak-Smith talking about the health foundation behind the core formula. - https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=VoQpLBm8iaA

Then contact me by email - thurland@gmail.com - so we can talk.  A year from now, you'll be glad you started today.

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