Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Breaking Point

Today was a hard day for me. (Yes, I am whining again!)

Perhaps because this day followed yesterday. Yesterday was a great day!  Very little pain. No heavy backpack to carry. No concern of where we would find a place to sleep. We were booked in our lovely, quiet, private, Hotel room for two nights.

This day was really no worse than many others we have had in the month we have been walking .... Yes, it has been a whole month already! 

But, when a grown woman gets in the shower, (after walking 20 kms) because she is tired and chilled (the weather is changing)  and the hot water seems to be gone (which is a common occurrence when many people shower too close together at the Albergues) and then she realizes the water is actually getting warmer... And then actually hot!... And she breaks down sobbing with gratitude for that hot water... That is when you know it has been a hard day!!!

I defy anyone to do this Camino and not come to a breaking point at some time. If they can do it they are made of a lot tougher stuff than I am.

Thank you God for a hot shower!

Buen Camino!