Thursday, September 18, 2014

Waking up on the Camino

As I was snapped out of my sleep this morning at 6:15 I had to chuckle to myself
....yes I can chuckle that early in the morning, when I chose the right attitude for the day :) 
 (See my last post for more explanation on that)

That got me to thinking of all the ways I have been awakened since the beginning of our pilgrimage.

- Gregorian Chanting ... It was so nice and so appropriate especially when waking in a church.

- "Guten morgan!" as our German Hospitalier turned on the lights in our room

- Church bells chiming out the time

- Roosters!  Lots of roosters!

- Sleeping bag zippers

- very noisy plastic bags!

- the patter of shoes since we have to wear shoes at all times

- Squeeky beds!

- Slamming of bathroom doors.

- Head lamps shining all around in the dark

- Snoring!

- Pidgeons outside the window

- Of course there was the gentle nudge from my husband if I managed to somehow sleep through all the noises in the room.

And that brings me to today. I woke to the snip, snip, snap of a guy in the bunk over me cutting his toe nails!  (I still chuckle at the thought of it)

It will be interesting to see if anything tops that one!

Buen Camino!

1 comment:

  1. I guess you don't wear ear plugs or the ear plugs don't always work!! And why do you have to wear shoes at all times? Even in bed?!
