Monday, September 8, 2014

Fun People

We have met many nice people but Carmine and Javier were two that stood out to me as being fun people to be with. They are Spanish. They know about as much English as we know Spanish... une pocco... Very little.

We first met as we were coming into a restaurant to eat our evening meal in Ventrosa. They were with Natalie, Natasha and Karl from Timmins, Ontario. We were asked if we would like to join them so we did.

Well, from there on the evening was filled with much laughter even though there was a language issue. Carmine and Javier were determined that we would know more Spanish when we left than when we came. They were pretty good at making us understand.

Thurland's name is very difficult for the Spaniards to say. It ends up Turlan usually. As we were joking around about his name they decided it should be Charlie Brown....much easier to say and remember. But then they translated it to Spanish... Carlitos Marroon (don't forget to rol the 'r's)

So now when we meet up with them, which is most every evening, for at least a hello, since we are walking about the same distance each day, it is a joyous hello to Carlitos Marroon! 

I kind of like it! What do you think?


  1. Love it! Also love that you are trying to pick up some Spanish...such a great language to learn to speak...far surpasses French in my mind!!
    Vaya con Dios!
