Thursday, September 18, 2014

You get what you ask for!

The Spanish language is supposed to be an easy one to learn, so I have heard.  No language is easy for me to learn. I passed my French exam in grade ten by the skin of my teeth... And a lot of memorizing that was soon forgotten the next day.

We are picking up a few new Spanish words every day. Thurland is doing much better at it than me.

Meal times have been interesting. We have had wonderful servers who try very hard to explain what the menu is in words we might, or might not, recognize.  A lot of places have pictures so you know exactly what you are ordering. Up until a couple days ago we always knew pretty well what we were getting. 

We have been in restaurants yesterday and today that have less understandable English. We got by the first 2 courses but when it came to dessert we had no idea what they were saying! They don't do pictures for the dessert menu. :)  So we took our chances and said "si" when she gave us the options. We had no clue what we ordered!

We eat a lot of fruit on the walk... Apples...oranges....bananas. When it comes to dessert after our meal, (which by the way, have calories and we don't care!)  we are looking for pudding or ice cream...anything but fruit!

Well, last night our 'surprise dessert' was peaches!  At least it was a change from the fruit we usually eat. Tonight, we had to chuckle when we found out we had ordered orange juice!    :)

You get what you ask for!  :)

Buen Camino !

1 comment:

  1. Spanish is easier to learn than French...that I can attest to! And I actually love the language! Keep working on it!!
