Sunday, September 21, 2014


  • Urban Dictionary: trooper
    Anyone who exhibits EXTREME perseverence, fortitude, and tenacity.
  • After nearly 30 days of chasing my wife, Lorraine across France and northern Spain, I have to agree with Urban Dictionary's definition of "trooper", and I herewith bestow that name and it's meaning upon my wife.  
  • Here's my view for most of this trip.

  • Occasionally it has changed to this:

  • That's my view because Lorraine sets the pace for most of our walks.  I try to set the distance we will walk, but I leave it to her to set the pace.  That's because for most of the time we have been walking she has walked in pain.  Sometimes severe, sometimes nagging, but al the time ... pain.  Very close to 500 km of pain. 
  • So Madam Trooper it is, from now and henceforth forever more.
  • Or, at least that's what I intended to call her.  Then I remember that our first pet together was a dog, a black Lab named  Trooper. If she for one minute thinks I'm calling her a dog, this compliment may well rise up to bite me in the ... Sit, trooper, sit!