Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lost and Found

Our bags contain the necessities of life and not much more. 

A couple days clothes, a light wind breaker, a fleece, a raincoat....that is about it for clothes. An extra pair of shoes. Then there is a sleeping bag, a towel, toiletry stuff and electronics (if we left them behind you would not be hearing from us :)   We have our "day bag" with the snacks and guide book that we would need throughout the days walk.

So, with so little stuff, you would think keeping track of it all would be easy as could be.... NOT!

Way back in the beginning of our walk Thurland lost one of his water bottles. (I didn't mention them in the list of bag contents...we had 2 each). No worries he said. We don't need that many. 

A few days later as we were leaving an Alburgue he realized his other bottle was not in his pack. We had everybody looking for it. No bottle. That's okay he says. I will just carry a disposable one and so he did for two days. Two days means the pack has been emptied at least twice, right?

So, I am pulling water bottles out to refill the next day and what should come out of the side pocket of his bag?  The missing bottle!  How in the world it stayed unnoticed that long is beyond me!!!

That brings me to today. I have misplaced my little sewing kit. I decided I would use the needle to release the fluid in the thing on my heel. The kit with the needle is no where to be found! I emptied everything twice! I know it is there! It has to be! But like the water bottle it has found a place to hide for the present time.  I guess I will not be sticking a needle in my foot today. :)

Buen Camino !

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