Wednesday, September 10, 2014

This day is done

Lorraine was having problems posting thus, so I'll post it, but she wrote it!  


I am so done with this day! 

A 25km day starts out okay. You know you can do it... Or at least you tell yourself that.  About halfway along you begin to go onto autopilot.... One foot ahead of the other... You just do it!  

About km 22 you realize autopilot has cancelled out and what is worse the pilot is dead...there is soon going to be a crash and you hope it doesn't happen before you find a bed for the night.  

There is just no way on a 25km day that one wants to hear "no room" "complete" "full" . That means more steps/kms to find another place.... Also "full".  

We ended up on the third floor of a very nice hotel.... Thank you God for elevators!  

The plane has crashed!


  1. The Privacy must have been Wonderful!

  2. The privacy was great but more so the bath tub to soak my aching body! :)
