Thursday, September 4, 2014

It was Magnificent !!

We set
 out from the Albergue in  Navarette this morning. We dawdled as much as we could knowing we were not going far today. Little did we know that we were right on time!  If we had been just a few minutes later we would have missed it!

I am what I call a "rainbow chaser". If I think there might be one I will go running outside to see it. It is a thing between me and God. But I have digressed from today's story.

This morning as we came out from the buildings there was the most magnificent sun rise I have ever seen!  It lasted for such a short time but it was one of God's masterpieces like no painter could ever duplicate!  We took pictures but pictures could not even come close to the real thing.  It was just a wonderful beginning for a new day! God seems to be going out of his way to let me know all is well. Other mornings Thurland and I have sung "Great is Thy Faithfulness" as we walk, today it an absolute must. And another song about Heaven...Just wait til you see my brand new home.... I think we saw just a small speck of Heaven today.

I have to admit I have not seen a lot of sun rises in my life time. I don't do mornings that well. Today's experience makes me think maybe I will add "sun rise chaser" to my list of things to do.... at least once in a while.  :)


  1. That would definitely be worth getting up for . .Amazingly beautiful :) Thanks for sharing.

  2. I too, am a rainbow chaser..... love them. It sounds absolutely incredible - Lou
