Monday, September 8, 2014

Only on the Camino

Only on the Camino can you meet up with a surgeon, Salvador; a man who travels the world for Samsung, Juan; a university student from New Hampshire (didn't get her name) ; sheep, goats, dogs and roosters all in the same 3 hour morning walk.  Life on the Camino is different from anything I have ever experienced.

There are people from many nations, from many vocations, from the young to the very old..... All having the same goal.... To walk the Camino. 

The animals are mostly here because they live here, although we have seen 2 dogs walking with their masters. Today the dog was running all over, going this way and that, frolicking in his freedom. Oh to have that energy!  The woman told us "el!"  Translation..this afternoon, no energy! He was burning it all up, not realizing it would be a long day ahead.

It seems no matter how long we decide to walk in a day, the last couple of kilometres seem to be the longest. Yesterday it was fine to walk 22kms. It was the last ones that dragged on. So why when we decide to make this a short day, are we dragging ourselves in at 12kms? I guess it is all a matter of the mind.

Keeping track of the day of the week and what day of the month it is is really hard. I have heard so many people say "what day is this?"   We have not heard any TV news since leaving home. Can't understand what they are saying even if we did. 

All this rambling sums up that there is something very different about living from day to day on a journey such as this.  We are blessed to be here. We want to be a blessing to others as we meet them, some for just a very short conversation and others that we meet repeatedly along the way.

Buen Camino !

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