Thursday, September 4, 2014

Every step ... A prayer

"Pray for us while you're out there", she said.

"Believe me, I do" was my quick parting reply.  But then I felt compelled to turn around and gently remind her that "Every step is a prayer"

That was written on May 19 as I was in preparation for our Camino.  (See 

Many other people have asked the same thing.  In fact I continue to get almost daily emails asking for prayer for situations, or more specifically - for people in situations.  Bill with a brain tumor, Don with cancer and heart problems, Dick, Kate ... The list goes on.  Lyall, Bert, Caroline, Aimee ... And you!  

The omission of your name from the list does not mean you are omitted from our prayers.  To be honest, I'm not even sure who I have prayed for and who I have not.  I hope this makes sense to you (it may not) but most of our prayer is not in words. It is not even in conscious thought.  Our prayer is in walking.  

For some reason Lorraine and I were "compelled" to do this walk.  For some reason, I feel that it is a prayer walk. It is not that I am consciously praying every moment and the only way I can explain it is, "Every step a prayer."

The world needs our prayers now.  I have not heard a news report since we left Canada two and a half weeks ago.  The Camino is a secluded place.  But I hear rumblings, and snippets of conversation, and I know the world needs our prayers.

So tomorrow, we start out again.  It will be nice in the morning and hot in the afternoon. We will walk until we reach our destination, which is at this moment undecided.

And as we walk, our feet will pray. And as our feet pray, some if those steps/prayers will be for you.  

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