Monday, September 1, 2014

In everything give thanks.

Time to give thanks to God for his help on our Camino. I do not want to take for granted the blessings I have.

The food here is great.... And what is more.... I have not had one head ache due to food or smells!  For that I am so grateful!  It was one of my concerns. 

Blisters, another thing that can spoil a day, I have none of. We have seen some feet that look so sore and painful but ours are not so. Thank you God. We are following "the rules" to healthy feet and it has worked. (God does expect us to use our heads in such circumstances. :)   

I injured my leg on a high step... My family will chuckle here...I don't do steps well...never have...broken bones everywhere to prove it...  But in missing this step I badly bruised the front of my leg. After the swelling went down it appears to be doing okay. The broken skin did not get infected...thank you God. 

I seem to have a thorn embedded in the side of my heel. Praying God will help this heal quickly.

Today I was in some discomfort as we walked about 6 Kms. The sight of a hotel to take a day off was not a coincidence I am sure. Thank you God! 

This is a journey that we feel God has set before us to do. There is no doubt he is walking with us. 

The tune in my head right now...

"Jesus will walk with me

He will talk with me, 

He will walk with me,

In joy or in sorrow

Today and tomorrow

I know he will walk with me." 

Buen Camino !         

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