Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How did I do that?

The days walk is over. We made it from Viana, through the city of Logrono and on to Navarette. 

Somehow the distance I walked was not registering in my mind until I heard Thurland mention 24kms. What! How did I do that?  

The day began with pain, frustration and tears as yesterday did, but somehow I managed to walk that far! Thurland carried my pack most of the day. What a good man!  It really bothers me that he has to do that. 

We are getting funny looks from other couples... I can just hear their conversations that might go something like this.... "Well dear, did you see that? He is carrying her bag for her! Why don't you ever carry mine?"   LOL   

We have already decided tomorrow will be a shorter day.

I was trying to soak my leg in cold water in a laundry sink in the washroom when the Albergue host came in to check that the lights were out (they are very careful about wasting electricity... A lot of bathroom lights are on timers...short times!  I have to turn it on several times for one "sit" LOL)
Anyway, he was so surprised to see me with a leg in the sink. In his broken English he says "you use the shower!"  And points to the shower stall.  I am not sure yet if he understood I was nursing a lame leg. He probably thinks us Canadians are just a little strange!

The adventures go on every day.... Meeting new people and seeing Spain from amazing view points. Often our path will bring us in the "back door" of a village, so to speak, and most often the villages are on a very steep hill. As we work our way up the main streets we find neat little stores and places to get whatever we need for the day.  Every village, or at least most, have a church. 

I would not want to be anywhere else than here enjoying this adventure with Thurland. I pray that we will be able to accomplish what we have set out to do. 

(If not there are always hospitals.)


  1. Dear Lorraine I am praying for a speedy recovery for your leg injury. Try to take it easy and thank God for Thurland and his strong back! Thinking of you every day :)

  2. Your adventure is so amazing even in pain you are enjoying the beauty of spain so inspiring
