Saturday, September 20, 2014

Municipal Albergue at Sahagun - FAIL

Don't judge a book by its cover.

Don't judge an albergue by its spacious feel.

In this instance at least, the spacious feel simply means that every sound is magnified.

And in this instance at least, no one made any attempt to de-magnify sounds.

The unofficial evening meal rioted on until 12:00

So the sounds of the late to retire blended in with the sounds of those on their middle of the night "facility runs". And - BONUS - the facilities have no ceiling, so every possible associated bodily noise is magnified and broadcast throughout the building. 

Which blended in with the sound of the one who drank too much at the unofficial evening meal, and was violently sick at 3:00

Which blended in to the sounds of those who are trying to "sneak out" (NOT) at 5:00.

So, not to over do my point, but the spacious Municipal Albergue that welcomed me at Sahagun  - I now know I'd walk by in an instant.  And I'm glad the projected 17 km Walk this morning is said to be straight, flat and monotonous (one man said it was the only part of the entire Camino that he truly dislike), because it looks like we'll be doing it in our sleep.

Cluny Albergue - Sahagun?

1 comment:

  1. Well ! I guess you can only be thankful that this is the first time you have experienced this so far in your travels! I would have to do private hotels because I couldn't tolerate a night like that! You are a far more patient person than I. :)
