Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Who Calls You

A couple days back we saw a rather lengthy poem neatly enscribed on a wall. It intrigued us, so we took some pictures, and used Google translator to find the English version.

It goes something like this:

Dust, mud, sun and rain
Is the Camino de Santiago
Thousands of pilgrims 
and more than a thousand years

Peregrino, who calls you
What hidden force attracts you?
What field of stars
Or large cathedral?

Not Navarre bravery
Or  the wine of Rioja
Or Galician seafood
Nor Castilian fields

Peregrino, who calls you
What hidden force attracts you?
Not the Gentiles of the Camino
Not the rural customs

Not the history and the culture
Not the roosters of Calzada
Not the palace of Gaudi
Not the Castillo ponferrada

To see everything that passes
Is a joy that passes
But the voice that calls me
I feel much more deeply

The force that pushes me
The force that attracts me

Is not explainable
Only God knows

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