Wednesday, September 17, 2014


I have no picture to share, and even if I did it wouldn't show what I want to show, because as beautiful as Helen is, it is her spirit that immediately drew my attention.  As Lorraine says, "Helen is on a different pilgrimage than most."  

It's true.  There are many reasons to be on the Camino, and I suppose all of them are legitimate.  As the Camino gains popularity (it is now touted as a top cultural experience of Europe, so that alone will entice many more people to come) I suspect that it will change. Already we have noticed a string of enterprises that grow up around the Camino. As you approach each evenings destination there are several advertisements dotting the trail, each intended to draw you to that particular business.  Several new private albergues have been built even this year, masseurs offer their services, taxis and tour-groups to help you ship your bags (or yourself, if necessary) - all of these are industries that are growing up around (and changing) the Camino.  

When you sign in at the office in SJPDP, they ask why and how, are you doing the Camino.
- for religious reasons
- for spiritual reasons
- for cultural reasons
- for physical reasons
- on foot, or on bike.

So, with people, of all ages, people of all backgrounds, people with various reasons for being here, people with different schedules, it is easy to see that everyone is on their own Camino, and everyone's Camino is different.

Having said all that, I go back to Lorraine's statement and I concur: Helen is on a different pilgrimage. I wrote this in my week four summary, but I think it deserves a blog of its own.  Helen from Australia has a beautiful spirit.  So beautiful that I looked for her for two days to deliver a message to her, because for some reason I thought she might need to hear it.  The message? "Helen, you have a beautiful spirit!"

I don't know why it was so important for me to tell her that.  I don't know why she wept when she heard it.  I hope we get to spend a couple hours talking about it, but by now she's at least one day ahead of us. 

But that encounter has made me wonder.  When you see someone with a beautiful spirit, maybe you should tell them you have seen it.  Maybe, just maybe you can make a person with a beautiful spirit weep with joy.

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