Thursday, September 11, 2014

"I don't wanna be a whiner"

She was just a little girl, maybe four years old. Boy could she whine! She whined about everything! (Just in case one of my past Day Care Moms is reading this, it was not your little girl :) She was not in my Day Care at all.)

Her care giver asked her many times to "stop whining!" One day the little one was heard to say in her whiniest voice "I don't wanna be a whiner!"

Well that little girl reminds me of me... I have become a whiner, and I don't wanna be a whiner!

My last couple of blogs I have been a whiner.  Sorry. 

We came across some flowers on our walk yesterday. Unlike the beautiful roses we have seen every day in the gardens and along the Camino, these flowers were growing in the most unlikely places. At first we saw the coloured petals and thought some one must have dropped them but then we realized these flowers were actually growing in the hard dirt. One here, one there. Once I saw three in about one square foot but mostly they were farther apart than that. Just a tiny snip of colour in an otherwise brown, dry, hard path.

What a lesson in "blooming where you are planted"! And surviving in the hardest of circumstances. Those little flowers were not whining because of where they were or how hot and dry it was. They were just doing what they were created to do. Grow, bloom, be beautiful in their own little way.... the way God created them to be.

We could learn from those little flowers.... I know I did.

Buen Camino!


  1. Those flowers are amazing and so are you. Buen Camino

  2. Oh Lorraine, You are far from my description of a whiner! I am loving your blog and look forward to reading it every day. You are growing, blooming and beautiful in your own little way :)
